Juvenile Crimes

Juvenile Crimes in Odessa, TX

teen girl sitting on graffitied concrete

We like to view children as innocent and good-natured, but unfortunately they can break the law just like adults. Due to their age, however, minors are not tried and sentenced using the same rules and procedures as adults. The legal system generally believes that children possess greater potential for rehabilitation and should not be sharing a penitentiary with adults. Therefore, juvenile crimes come with their own set of legal regulations, which can often be particularly difficult to navigate. For a criminal defense attorney in the Odessa, TX area who has experience with juvenile crimes, turn to Chavez Law Firm.

For serious offenses like violent crimes, property theft, and drug possession, minors can be charged the same as adults, and may even be tried as adults in criminal court. Some offenses, however, are specific to a minor's age. These are known as "status" offenses and include acts such as truancy, driving without a license, underage drinking, and other things which would not be against the law for someone of age. Barring prior violations, these types of crimes are typically handled by the juvenile court system. Some of the most common juvenile crimes are larceny, illegal purchases, sexual offenses, assault, and vandalism.

The Criminal Defense Attorney to Trust to Handle Your Juvenile Crimes

The exact procedure for juvenile delinquency cases varies from state to state and the officer, prosecutor, and judge involved in a given case are often able to use their own discretion to handle it as they see fit. For example, when the police are faced with a minor engaged in illegal activity, they may simply issue a warning or they may detain him or her until a parent or guardian arrives into whose custody they can release the minor. In some cases, the police may resort to referring the case to juvenile court, at which point a prosecutor takes over and determines whether to dismiss the case, resolve it informally, or file charges. If your child's situation reaches this point, we highly recommend consulting with our knowledgeable  criminal defense attorney . We will work with you to secure the best possible outcome for your case. Please do not hesitate to contact our office when charged with a juvenile crime in Odessa, TX!

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